Thursday, November 19, 2009

Are You A Pill Popper???

How many of you take prescription drugs? Yeah, my hand is up too. Did you know that half of us take prescription drugs and 81% of us take at least one kind of pill everyday? I take two per day. One for my original symptom and a second to combat the side effects created by the first one.

An excerpt from Dr. J. Douglas Bremner’s essay entitled Why Do Americans Take So Many Prescription Drugs? states . . . “With so many of us popping pills or gulping down spoonfuls of medicine, it’s not surprising that more of us report related adverse effects. One hundred thousand Americans die every year from the effects of prescription medications. Over a million Americans a year are admitted to the hospital because they have had a bad reaction to a medication. And about a quarter of the prescriptions that doctors write for the elderly have a potentially life threatening error. Many of these people are getting medications that they don’t need, or for problems that can be appropriately and safely addressed without drugs. For example, most cases of adult onset diabetes can be prevented and possibly cured with a change in diet alone – and with considerably fewer negative side effects and numerous healthy ones, like weight loss, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.”

Check out Dr. Bremner’s entire essay at
What if I told you there is a solution to the problem of taking dangerous prescription drugs? Something that is all natural and won’t cause any of those nasty - even dangerous - side effects? Would you be willing to give it a try?

Let me introduce you to XanGo, the first and only WHOLE FRUIT PUREE of the mangosteen fruit. The mangosteen, no relation to the mango, simply put is a super food that heals. The indigenous people of Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Brazil, and parts of Central America have been using it for centuries but it was only recently introduced in the United States.

There is a ton of science on the mangosteen and how it works but in simple laymen’s words, the XANTHONES of the mangosteen help balance disruptive conditions in the human body. Conditions such as anxiety, asthma/bronchitis, high blood pressure, cholesterol, infections, thyroid conditions, depression, diabetes, gerd/acid reflux, insomnia, pain and inflammation, allergies, PMS, and many other conditions, are all positively affected by this wonderful botanical.

Antioxidants like the mangosteen xanthones are nutrients that target and neutralize damaging “free radical” substances in the body. If you have an elevated level of free radicals and not enough antioxidants to balance them, cellular damage will result which leads to devastation of organs.

Through its exclusive whole-fruit mangosteen puree, XanGo offers the benefits of the entire fruit in its market-leading product, XanGo Juice. Its a natural – no supernatural – fusion of taste and health-promoting nutritional goodness.

"Today we are faced with what may be the single greatest drug safety catastrophe in the history of this country or the history of the world… In my opinion, the FDA has let the American people down, and sadly, betrayed a public trust."

Now those are some scary words. On November 18, 2004, David J. Graham, M.D., M.P.H., Associate Director of Drug Safety for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uttered that ominous statement as part of his Congressional testimony concerning the dangers of Vioxx. Rather than take risks with prescription drugs, why not supplement a healthy diet with XanGo Juice?

To quote the great Hippocrates (460-377bc) “Let thy food by thy medicine and thy medicine by thy food.”

Check out more on this incredible food supplement at

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